Thank you for visiting our website!
We want to thank you for taking a moment to visit our website. We hope this will give you a glimpse of what our local church is like.
If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest! We have room for you.
When you visit our church, you will find:
- A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you
- Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God and applicable to our daily life
- Ministries for various ages throughout the week
- A safe place to be accepted, loved, and spiritually strengthened.
We would love to have you worship with us on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. A typical service includes our Praise Team leading us in singing, a time of prayer, then a relevant message by our pastor.
Whether you have never attended church, attended years ago, or are quite familiar with church, we would love to have you worship with us!
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